Annual Appeal
The Annual Fund 2025 – Chapel Renovation Project – Phase II
Each year, FGR conducts an Annual Appeal to support the general operating budget of the school. Last year, your gift to the Annual Fund provided students and faculty with the beautiful new sanctuary!
This new sanctuary has provided a calming, beautiful space in which our students are able to pray the Mass together, enjoy Praise and Worship and Adoration together, and spend quiet moments alone with Our Lord. Our students are grateful for the inviting worship space.
Now, we are moving on to the next phase: updating the flooring and seating to provide a more cohesive and comfortable worship experience for our students. Currently, there are several types of chairs used in the space for our All-school Masses, many of which have front crossbars that prevent one from placing their feet under the chair when kneeling in reverance for our Lord. The vinyl flooring is a challenge for even young knees to kneel upon. New carpeting and sturdier chairs will allow all Mass goers a more comfortable atmosphere in which to properly worship.
To donate online, please complete the form on this page and click submit. Thank you for your generosity!
Annual Giving Levels
Emerald Club – $50,000+
Diamond Club – $25,000 – $49,999
Platinum Club – $10,000 – $24,999
Gold Club – $5,000 – $9,999
Silver Club – $2,500 -$4,999
Bronze Club – $1,000 – $2,499
Green and White Club $500 – $999
FGR Benefactor – $250- $499
Friend of FGR – up to $249
It was in the chapel where I came to know our Lord as friend, father, lover, savior, comforter, One Who Understands. The chapel holds a very special place in my heart as not only the location that I came to know Him, but the location I know countless others have and will come to know him as well.
Please complete the following steps to make your donation to the Annual Fund.