Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry
The goal of Campus Ministry is to foster your personal encounter with Jesus Christ in His Church through the sacraments, prayer, community, and service so that you may live as an active disciple in the world today.
Through daily and weekly opportunities to celebrate the sacraments, through meaningful group activities and retreats, and through abundant opportunities to experience His love for you, Campus Ministry at FGR invites you to grow in faith and relationship with Christ.
Campus Ministry is guided by the following four pillars:
- Encounter – Meet Him
- Students will meet Jesus Christ
- Students will hear and understand the Gospel message
- Prayer – Know Him
- Preparation
- Students will learn how to pray individually and communally
- Students will learn how to pray relationally through meditation, contemplation, and vocal prayer
- Preparation
- Discernment – Listen to Him
- Students will be able to recognize the Lord’s voice
- Students will know what the Lord is calling them to do in/with their lives
- Mission – Make Him Known
- Students will make Jesus Christ known
- Students will respond to Jesus’ call

Each topic is emphasized individually within a specific grade level but are also each fostered throughout your academic and lived experience at Father Gabriel Richard High School.
At FGR, your developing faith will be activated through hours of service which will draw you closer to Him and to your fellow citizens.
Opportunities to practice the faith:
- Twice-weekly All-school Masses
- Before school Mass offered three days per week
- Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
- Two Penance Days annually
- Annual class retreats
- Monthly Presence Nights of praise and worship, adoration, and confessions
- Engaging speakers on topics of relevance to teens
- Advent Evening of Reflection
Full-time Chaplain
Fr. John Vinton serves as our full-time chaplain. In this capacity, Father sees to the spiritual needs of the school community. His office is housed within Student Services and he is accessible when students need counsel or support of a spiritual nature.

Full-time Campus Minister
Mr. Brian Cerabona serves as our full-time campus minister. Mr. Cerabona coordinates the liturgies, special events, and retreats offered at FGR. Furthermore, he is available to help you grow in faith and understanding.