Clubs and Organizations
Clubs at FGR enhance your high school experience by offering you opportunities to get involved, collaborate with others on activities about which you are passionate, and help you to have fun! New clubs are founded each year based upon interests and initiative. The approval process is simple but the results can be a rewarding experience in leadership. Current club offerings include:
Art Club
Mission: To give students an opportunity to express themselves through different media of art outside of class time and all time for those who wish to do art outside of class time.
The art club does art studies from different periods of art, fun crafts, and creates works of art in different styles, focusing on love of art and creativity. The club also examines how different artists portray similar images in different styles. The club also plans to create art for the community.
Associated Games Club (formerly Chess Club)
Mission: The Associated Games Club provides a fun, enriching, and peaceful environment for students to play or learn to play chess and other games of strategy. A tournament style bracket system is used and strategy and tactics are discussed and learned. The club meets every Thursday during lunch.
Crafts for Charity
Mission: Using the gifts and talents given by God, this club practices humility, charity, and teamwork by making donatable crafts for the less fortunate.
Projects include making cards for the sick, blankets for women’s shelters or the humane society, and bracelet making as a fundraiser, among others. Members meet on Wednesdays during lunch and after school.
Drama Club
At FGR, we believe in forming our students as whole persons; intellectually, physically, and spiritually. Drama Club helps achieve this formation by providing students with an opportunity to develop and use their God-given talents; glorifying God through song and word; and by examining and analyzing music and drama as a means to enrich our lives and our faith while performing as Christians in a secular world.
Ecology Club
Mission: The Ecology Club focuses on being good stewards of the earth and all the resources that God provides through it. Learning to care for our surrounding and advocating for the environment are key activities of the club.
Faith in Flint
Mission: Faith-in-Flint was created in response to the Bishop of Lansing’s call to care for the people of Flint during the water crisis in 2008. Every Saturday, adults and students ravel to Flint to minister to people in two neighborhoods, bringing donated food, diapers, and other essentials with them, offering friendship and prayers as well.
Fishing Club
Mission: Fishing club enhances student well-being by encouraging good sportsmanship, creativity, and outdoorsmanship. Fishing is an opportunity to practice patience and respect. It also encourages students to learn new techniques while fishing while enjoying time outdoors.
Healthy Minds Club
Mission: The Healthy Minds Club is committed to improving student mental health through education and workshops. At meetings, students discuss various mental health topics, learn about self-care through workshops and provide mental health resources. Members contribute to the school community by spreading mental health awareness and by caring for themselves and others.
Human Trafficking and Exploitation Awareness Club
Mission: The Human Trafficking and Exploitation Awareness Club is for individuals who are aware of the affront to human dignity that this modern form of slavery is. Club members meet to discuss and research this problem, learn how to advocate for change, and plan courses of action within the FGR and greater community. Drawing upon Catholic Social Teaching, members strive to follow Jesus’s command to serve through advocacy on behalf of the victims of human trafficking.
Knitting and Crocheting Club
Mission: The Knitting and Crocheting Club creates a collaborative environment in which members forge authentic relationships while learning to knit and crochet. The club is aimed at teaching interested students the crafts of knitting and crocheting, preparing novices to start their own projects. Steps and stitches are taught and, once members have developed their skills, they work collaboratively on projects such as hats, scarves, and mittens to donate to organizations which serve those in need.
Marketing Club
Mission: An extra-curricular extension of our Marketing and Advertising course, this club allows students to practice and develop their communication skills. Digital marketing including, graphic design ads, television commercials, web site coding, podcasts creation, etc. are explored according to member interest.
National Honor Society
Mission: Promote leadership, service and scholarship in the school and in the community. National Honor Society membership is available through invite/application only. A 3.5 GPA, service projects, and tutoring hours are required.
Music Liturgy Club
Mission: The Music Liturgy Club was formed to provide quality music by students at Masses. The club meets on Tuesdays and Thursday after school to prepare for the next All-School Mass. The goal of the club is to enhance the worship experience for students and to glorify God through music.
Our Cultures Club
Mission: : Our Cultures is a club for any student at FGR who seeks to express and learn about cultural perspectives of students. While validating and support the experiences and perspectives of our minority students, we also promote unity among all racial and ethnic backgrounds since we are one in Christ.
Meetings consist of discussions on a variety of topics of interest to the members, moderated by the club leaders. Occasional field trips on weekends deepen knowledge of our cultures.
FGR Pro-Life Club
Mission: To take up the cause of the unborn and to work and pray for the sanctity of all human life. One of the largest clubs at FGR, a central activity of the club is witness at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. each January. Beyond that, the club brings in speakers to help educate members on life issues and how to engage in civil discourse of life issues.
Portfolio Building Club
Mission: To support aspiring art school students and provide time to work on building portfolios while sharing feedback and advice from peers. The club meets weekly at lunchtime.
Quiz Bowl
Mission: More than a club, the Quiz Bowl team competes in tournaments against other area high schools throughout the year. Those with an interest in and thirst for knowledge in a wide variety of topics are encouraged to share that gift with the team.
FGR Robotics – The “Byting Irish”
Mission: The Byting Irish is a FIRST Robotics team that provides students with the opportunity to build, wire, program, and drive a fully operational robot at regional FIRST competitions. Students at all grade levels with interests that vary from engineering and programming to business and marketing are welcome to join. Click here to learn more.
Ski and Snowboard Club
Mission: The Ski and Snowboard Club is a non-competitive club that exists to offer students of all grades a good time while conditioning their bodies, spending time with friends, and enjoying the great outdoors.
St. Peter Faber Investor Club
Mission: The St. Peter Faber Investor Club aims to educate members on basic investing (stocks, bonds, options) from a point of view that stresses the importance of sound moral application of both information and money. The club focuses not only on investing, but also emphasizes helping others through their own success and profit. The club meets every other week to have lectures and open discussions and uses an investing app to simulate actual investing. Club members will become financially literate and learn the moral implications and responsibilities all Catholics should understand when engaging in business and investing.
St. Brigid's Irish Cultural Club
Mission: The Irish Club provides culturally enriching activities and service projects aimed at preserving and cherishing the Irish culture. The club meets twice monthly during lunch to hear learn more about the culture of Ireland and Irish people and complete service projects.
Student Council
Mission: To actively live and promote the schools mission of forming Disciples of Christ. To plan, organize, and execute school and community events. Student Council oversees Homecoming Spirit Week, Catholic Schools Week, Homecoming Dance, and offers support to many other events of the school.
Swing Dance Club
Mission: The Swing Dance Club brings the art of dancing to the school while fostering students friendships. Dances taught during meetings equip students with a social skill that can be enjoyed for the rest of their lives. The club meets Mondays during lunch time and occasionally holds dances for its members and guests.
FGR Women’s Discernment Group
Mission: To come together as women to discuss our faith. We pray together and for each other. It’s a great time to grow through fellowship and sharing!