With interactive games and collaboration among classmates, Introduction to Italian engages students in an active learning environment. Not quite half-way through the semester, students have covered the days of the week, months of the year, and are mastering counting to one hundred. Questions about where they live and what they like to do are also answered by students with facility.
Students are energetic and engaged in learning, even though they sometimes get tripped up by concurrent studies of a different language. The Intro to Italian class was added to FGR’s elective options this year, made possible by a generous grant by the Italian Consulate. Next year, Signora Nautaro will add a second class. Focusing on language and culture, students will develop an appreciation of Italian history, art, and cuisine.
Another addition this year is Introduction to Philosophy, taught by Mrs. Cindy Brown. In a recent class, Mrs. Brown and her students wrestled with the question of gender from a philosophical standpoint. Through the methodical thought and definition of various terms, the class came to a conclusion that gender must be in a body and soul because the body wouldn’t exist without the soul. Furthermore, gender is a way of being human or a way of imaging God. The process of working through the question in itself is fascinating and clearly, the students are developing skills of learning how to think that will serve them well throughout their lives.
Next year, Mrs. Brown will expand her offerings to two classes each semester: one geared toward freshmen and sophomores and one for juniors and seniors. Having the opportunity to study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence will set the stage for future academic endeavors for these students.
FGR offers more than one hundred courses in nine departments. Students thrive when they are engaged and interested in the topics they are learning and providing a variety of opportunities allows students to explore current interests or discover new ones. Forensic science, anatomy and physiology, and environment science, and the popular Advanced Chemistry class are electives that apply scientific inquiry to diverse topics that make it practical and applicable to the students’ lives. Personal Finance, Introduction to Computer Programming, and Statistics afford students interested in mathematics a chance to explore various applications. Humanities, Shakespeare, and Moral Imagination are some opportunities to delve more deeply into the traditions of western civilization and explore essential truths about the human condition throughout time. For students who wish to focus on physical fitness, we offer Sports Conditioning, Advanced Conditioning, and Health as additional electives.
At FGR, academic excellence begins by providing students a solid foundation in core subjects and continues by seizing opportunities to ignite the fires of inquiry and wonder through diverse topics and subjects to explore.